





Theoretical progress and practice of refined oil and gas exploration in mature exploration area of Jiyang Depression

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    济阳坳陷作为渤海湾盆地成熟探区之一,经过了60 多年勘探开发,为实现油气勘探的持续发展,亟需解决油气资源潜力、勘探方向及成藏规律等理论认识问题。通过对主力生烃层系大量烃源岩样品沉积环境、有机地球化学特征的分析测试及生排烃模拟实验,对比研究了不同类型烃源岩生排烃演化过程及生烃潜力,发现咸化环境烃源岩具有古生产力高、活化能低的特点,建立了陆相湖盆“咸化富烃”生排烃模式,突破了以淡水环境烃源岩为主力油气来源的传统认识;通过分析深层储层成岩演化过程中孔隙度与地层流体酸碱性质变化的关系,指出“早期强胶结、后期强溶蚀”是深层储层形成大量次生溶蚀孔隙的重要原因,解决了高地温背景下深层碎屑岩有效储层成因问题;基于济阳坳陷勘探实践,总结提出了断陷盆地从洼陷带到斜坡带,依次发育岩性、构造-岩性、岩性-构造及构造油气藏的油气藏类型有序分布规律。创新形成了“咸化富烃、酸碱控储、有序成藏”的成熟探区油气精细勘探理论认识,明确了剩余资源潜力,指出了深层的勘探方向,使油气勘探由被动转移转为主动探索;并创新建立了适用于精细勘探阶段的“勘探层单元”划分、优选方法,形成了成熟探区“七步走”的精细勘探评价流程。结合济阳坳陷地质新认识、最新一轮油气资源评价结果,指出今后重点勘探方向及增储领域,为油田的长期效益可持续发展提供了重要保障。


    Jiyang Depression, as one of the mature exploration areas in Bohai Bay Basin, has been explored and developed for over 60 years. It is urgent to solve the theoretical understanding problems such as oil and gas resource potential, exploration direction,and accumulation law to realize the sustainable development of oil and gas exploration. The evolution process of hydrocarbon generation and hydrocarbon generation potential of different types of source rocks were compared based on the analysis and testing of the sedimentary environment and organic geochemical characteristics of a large number of source rock samples in the primary hydrocarbon-generating strata and the hydrocarbon generation simulation experiment. It is found that the source rocks in the saline environment have the characteristics of high ancient productivity and low activation energy,and a“ saline and hydrocarbon-rich” of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion mode was established in the continental lake basin. It breaks through the traditional understanding that source rock in freshwater environments is the primary source of oil and gas. It is pointed out that“ strong cementation in early stage and strong dissolution in late stage” are the essential reasons for the formation of a large number of secondary dissolution pores in the deep reservoirs by analyzing the relationship between porosity and acid-base properties of formation fluid during diagenetic evolution of deep reservoirs. The genetic problem of effective reservoirs of deep clastic rocks under a high geothermal background is solved. The paper summarizes and puts forward the orderly distribution of lithology, structure-lithology, lithologystructure, and tectonic reservoirs from subsag to slope zones based on the exploration practice in Jiyang Depression. Therefore, the theoretical understanding of refined oil and gas exploration in mature exploration areas of“ saline and hydrocarbon-rich, acid-base control, and orderly accumulation” has been innovated, and the potential of remaining resources has been defined. The direction of deep exploration has been pointed out, so oil and gas exploration has changed from passive transfer to active exploration. The division and optimization method of the“ exploration layer unit” suitable for the refined exploration stage is innovatively established,and a“ seven-step” refined exploration and evaluation process is formed for mature exploration areas. The paper points out the critical exploration directions and fields with increasing reserves in the future, which provide essential guarantees for the long-term benefit and sustainable development of the oilfield based on the new geological understanding of Jiyang Depression and the results of the latest round of oil and gas resource evaluation.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-08
  • 最后修改日期:2024-06-05
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-08-12