济阳坳陷常规探明石油地质储量增长规律及未来10 年增储趋势






Growth law of conventional proven petroleum-in-place and trend of reserve increase in next 10 years in Jiyang Depression

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    济阳坳陷常规石油领域一直是胜利油田勘探开发主战场,至今已经历了60 余年勘探开发,整体进入成熟勘探阶段,但每年仍具有较大的增储规模,这与传统认为的含油气盆地探明石油地质储量增长趋势不一致。济阳坳陷常规探明石油地质储量增长规律如何?未来能否继续保持较强的增储态势?其主要的增储领域有哪些?这些事关胜利油田勘探决策的重要问题亟需研究明确。通过梳理济阳坳陷勘探历程,分析其地质特征、资源条件、探井工作量投入、理论技术、资源序列等勘探要素,揭示济阳坳陷常规石油勘探发现规律,运用“帚状”模型预测法、资源探明速率法等方法预测常规探明石油地质储量增长趋势,结合主要增储领域剖析,明确济阳坳陷常规石油未来增储规模及有利方向。结果表明:济阳坳陷复杂的地质特征、较为雄厚的剩余资源基础决定其勘探对象的多样性、勘探过程的曲折性和勘探历史的长期性;在保证相对稳定的探井工作量投入,持续开展勘探理论及关键技术的攻关,保持相对合理的资源序列等条件下,济阳坳陷常规石油仍能保持较长时期的稳定增储;在当前经济技术条件及勘探投入相对保障的情况下,未来10 年济阳坳陷仍可贡献常规探明石油地质储量2.5×108t 左右;指出济阳坳陷新近系河道砂岩油藏、沙四段上亚段—沙三段岩性油气藏等成熟领域仍是稳定增储的压舱石,孔店组—沙四段下亚段深层领域是重要的规模增储领域,前古近系潜山领域是富集高产的有利方向。今后,应紧密跟踪非常规与新能源领域的勘探进展,对济阳坳陷常规探明石油地质储量增长规律及增储趋势等研究结果进行不断地完善和修正,以期更符合油田勘探发展态势,指导油田勘探决策。


    The conventional petroleum field in Jiyang Depression has always been the main battlefield of exploration and development in Shengli Oilfield. It has experienced more than 60 years of exploration and development and entered the mature exploration stage as a whole,but it still has a relatively large scale of reserve increase every year,which is not consistent with the traditional growth trend of proven petroleum-in-place in oil and gas-bearing basins. The critical issues concerning the exploration decisions of Shengli Oilfield need to be clarified urgently,including the growth law of the conventional proven petroleum-in-place in Jiyang Depression,the strong trend of reserve increase,and the main fields for reserve increase. By analyzing the exploration process of Jiyang Depression,the geological characteristics,resource conditions, exploration investment, theory and technology,resource sequence,and other exploration elements were analyzed,revealing the exploration discovery law of conventional petroleum in Jiyang Depression. The broom-shaped model prediction method and proven rate method of resource were used to predict the growth trend of conventional proven petroleum-in-place. The scale and favorable direction of future reserve increase of conventional petroleum in Jiyang Depression were clarified by analyzing the main fields with reserve increase. The results show that the complex geological characteristics of Jiyang Depression and the relatively abundant remaining resources determine the diversity of exploration objects,the tortuosity of the exploration process, and the long-term nature of exploration history. The conventional petroleum in Jiyang Depression can still maintain a long period of stable reserve increase under conditions of ensuring a relatively stable exploration investment,continuing to innovate the exploration theory and key technologies, and maintaining a relatively reasonable resource sequence.Jiyang Depression can still produce about 2.5 × 108t of conventional proven petroleum-in-place in the next 10 years under the current economic and technical conditions and the relative guarantee of exploration investment. It is pointed out that the Neogene river sandstone reservoir, lithologic oil and gas reservoirs in the Upper Submember of the 4th Member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation(Es4U)-the Lower 3rd Member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation(Es4L), and other mature fields are still the ballast stones for stable reserve increase. Kongdian Formation-the deep field of the Lower Submember of the 4th Member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation(Es4L) is an essential field for large-scale reserve increase,and the pre-Paleogene buried hill is a favorable direction for the petroleum enrichment and high yield. In the future, the exploration progress in the unconventional and new energy fields should be closely tracked, and the research results of the growth law and the reserve increase trend of conventional proven petroleum-in-place in Jiyang Depression should be constantly improved and revised to make them more conform to the development trend of oilfield exploration and guide the oilfield exploration decisions.


李友强,赵乐强,高磊,尚 冰,方旭庆,李继岩,韩 丽.济阳坳陷常规探明石油地质储量增长规律及未来10 年增储趋势[J].油气地质与采收率,2024,31(4):125~134

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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-09
  • 最后修改日期:2024-06-19
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-08-12