

王捷(1987—),男,四川简阳人,副研究员,从事油气勘探研究工作。E-mail: 545087922@qq.com。




Characteristics and main controlling factors of Triassic ultra-deep clastic rock reservoirs in Shawan Sag,Junggar Basin:A case study of Karamay Formation in Well Zheng10 area

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    超深层碎屑岩储层由于埋藏深度大,储层物性一般较差,单井油气产能低,但中国石化探区沙湾凹陷近期钻探的征10 井却在埋深6 700 m的三叠系克拉玛依组钻遇了优质厚层储层,常规测试即获得高产工业油气流。为了揭示该套储层的特征及有利储层主控因素,明确该地区超深层碎屑岩勘探方向,降低该区下步油气勘探的风险,通过岩心、测井、铸体薄片、物性、扫描电镜等资料综合分析,并结合储层成岩演化,探讨了该区三叠系克拉玛依组储层岩石学特征、物性特征、孔隙特征及有利储层主控因素。研究结果表明:征10 井区三叠系克拉玛依组超深层碎屑岩为辫状河三角洲前缘沉积,岩性以砂砾岩、含砾细砂岩及细砂岩为主,岩石类型主要为长石岩屑砂岩,成分成熟度较低;储集空间类型以剩余原生孔隙与溶蚀孔隙为主,储层平均孔隙度为9.1%,平均渗透率为2.85 mD,整体属于特低孔特低渗透及低孔低渗透储层。有利沉积相带、建设性成岩作用及异常高压共同控制了该区有利储层的发育及分布。其中,沉积微相是有利储层发育的基础,辫状河三角洲前缘水下分流河道中沉积的细砂岩分选及磨圆较好,泥质杂基含量低,储层物性较好,是有利储层发育的优势相带;早期成岩过程中产生的钠长石胶结物后期被酸性溶蚀使得溶蚀孔隙增加,是重要的建设性成岩作用;油气持续充注所形成的异常高压,形成时间早且长期持续发育,起到了重要的建设作用。研究成果对该地区下步超深层油气勘探具有指导作用。


    Due to large burial depths, ultra-deep clastic rock reservoirs have poor physical properties and low oil and gas productivity.However, the newly drilled Well Zheng10 in Shawan Sag, Sinopec exploration area, has encountered high-quality thick reservoirs in the Triassic Karamay Formation at a buried depth of 6 700 m, and conventional tests have obtained high industrial oil and gas flow. To reveal the characteristics of this set of reservoirs and favorable main controlling factors, clarify the direction of ultradeep clastic rock exploration, and reduce the risk of further oil and gas exploration in this area, this paper comprehensively analyzed the data of core, well logging, cast thin sections, physical properties, scanning electron microscopy, and diagenetic evolution of the reservoirs, and discussed the petrological, physical, and pore characteristics of reservoirs in the Triassic Karamay Formation in this area. The results show that the ultra-deep clastic rocks of the Triassic Karamay Formation in Well Zheng10 area are deposited in the front of the braided river delta. The lithology is dominated by glutenites, gravel-bearing fine sandstones, and fine sandstones, and the rock types are mainly feldspar lithic sandstones with low composition maturity. The remaining primary pores and solution pores dominate the reservoir space. The average porosity of the reservoirs is 9.1%, and the average permeability is 2.85 mD. The reservoir belongs to the ultra-low porosity and ultra-low permeability type and low porosity and low permeability type as a whole. Favorable sedimentary facies zones, constructive diagenesis, and abnormal high-pressure control the development and distribution of favorable reservoirs in this area. Among them, sedimentary microfacies are the basis of favorable reservoir development.The fine sandstones deposited in the underwater distributary channel at the front of the braided river delta are better sorted and rounded. The contents of the muddy matrix are low, and the physical properties of the reservoir are better, which are the dominant phase zones for favorable reservoir development. The sodium feldspar cements generated in the early diagenetic process are dissolved by acids in the later period, which increases the dissolution pores and is an essential constructive diagenesis. The abnormal high-pressures formed by continuous oil and gas charging form early and develop continuously for a long time, playing an important construction role. The research results have a guiding role for the subsequent ultra-deep oil and gas exploration in this area.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-17
  • 最后修改日期:2024-06-15
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-08-12