





Development and prospects of logging evaluation technologies for reservoirs in Shengli Oilfield

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    胜利油区油气资源丰富,储层类型众多,测井评价在勘探开发工作中发挥了重要的作用。值此建院60 周年之际,系统回顾储层测井评价技术发展历程和特色技术,总结经验,展望未来,对于测井专业领域的发展和应用有着积极的意义。根据储层特点和评价难点,系统梳理了常规砂岩、复杂类型和非常规3 种类型储层中形成的系列成熟测井评价技术。常规砂岩储层,系统地形成了适用性强的油层标准确定方法,创新了多层合试条件下的岩性、含油性下限约束的电性标准建立方法,开创性地提出了依据不同成岩带划分的储层参数解释技术;复杂类型储层,先后形成了陡坡带砂砾岩岩性测井识别、低渗透砂岩储层有效性评价、低电阻率油层识别及评价等技术;非常规储层,以评价储集性和含油性为主要目的,初步形成了基于二维核磁共振实验的储层参数测井评价技术。这些不同类型储层测井评价技术,都体现了井筒资料与地质认识的结合、岩石物理与测井模型 的综合,展现了测井为地质、为油藏服务的能力,并取得了良好的应用效果。展望未来,剩余资源主要分布在隐蔽油气藏及深层,为满足勘探开发的发展和需求,有必要加强实验资料、气测录井和测试生产资料的分析,加强测井评价与地质结合,加强随钻测井、成像、核磁等测井新技术的应用,开展综合研究与评价,从评价目标上拓展产层性质评价和产量预测,从研究手段上,在常规技术的基础上,充分依托专家经验做好样本选取,深化大数据人工智能应用,一定会取得良好效果。


    Shengli Oilfield has abundant oil and gas resources, with multiple types of reservoirs, and logging evaluation plays an essential role in exploration and development. The development history and the characteristics of logging evaluation technologies for reservoirs were systematically reviewed to celebrate the institute's 60th birthday. Summarizing experience and predicting the future have positive significance for the development and application in the professional logging field. A series of mature evaluation technologies formed in three types of reservoirs, including conventional sandstone reservoirs, complex reservoirs, and unconventional shale reservoirs, were systematically summarized according to the characteristics and evaluation difficulties of reservoirs. For conventional sandstone reservoirs, a highly applicable identification technology for oil layers was systematically developed, and an innovative method for establishing electrical standards constrained by the lower limits of lithology and oil potential was developed under multi-layer joint testing conditions. In addition, a pioneering logging modeling technology was proposed based on different diagenetic zones. Various technologies were developed for complex reservoirs, including logging identification of sandstone lithology in steep slope zones, effectiveness evaluation of low-permeability sandstone reservoirs, and identification and evaluation of oil layers with low resistivity. For unconventional shale reservoirs, a logging evaluation technology of reservoir parameters was preliminarily developed to evaluate the storage properties and oil potential mainly based on two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. These logging evaluation technologies for different types of reservoirs reflected the combination of wellbore data and geological understanding, as well as the integration of rock physics and logging models, and they demonstrated the ability of logging to serve geology and reservoirs and achieved good application results. In the future, the remaining resources will mainly be distributed in hidden oil and gas reservoirs and deep layers. In order to meet the needs of exploration and development, it is necessary to strengthen the analysis of experimental data, gas logging, and testing production data, combine logging evaluation and geology,intensify the application of new logging technologies such as logging while drilling, imaging, and nuclear magnetic resonance,carry out comprehensive research and evaluation, and expand the evaluation and prediction of production capacity of oil layers from the perspective of evaluation objectives. Moreover, it is necessary to fully rely on expert experience to select samples and deepen the application of big data/artificial intelligence on the basis of conventional technologies, which will definitely achieve good results.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-12
  • 最后修改日期:2024-06-20
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-08-12