里奥-德雷盆地泥岩底辟演化及其对中深层 S5 油气成藏的控制


袁井菊(1971—),女,湖北荆门人,高级工程师,博士,从事油气勘探方面的研究工作。E-mail: yuanjj.syky@sinopec.com。



中国石化科技部项目“喀麦隆Rio del Rey 盆地Nguti 浊积岩有利目标评价”(2019P20072-4)。

Mudstone diapir evolution and its control on hydrocarbon accumulation in middle-deep layer S5 in Rio Del Rey Basin

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    喀麦隆里奥-德雷盆地发育泥岩底辟,盆地浅部地层受泥岩底辟控制发育断块和断背斜油气藏,已进入开发中后期,中深层S5(简称S5)由于前期研究程度低和油气富集规律认识不足,探井成功率低,资源接替面临挑战。通过开展区域沉积、构造、油气成藏特征,尤其是区域构造演化平衡剖面研究发现,里奥-德雷盆地泥岩底辟是来源于深部巨厚的古新统Akata 泥岩,其活动时间始于始新世末期至今,局部控制早中新世的S5 三角洲前缘砂体沉积范围,砂体与泥岩底辟及其伴生断层易形成构造-岩性或断块圈闭,圈闭形成时间早于Akata 泥岩生油期,泥岩底辟和断层为油气运移提供通道,生储运聚组合有利于在泥岩底辟周缘S5 形成油气藏。但对盆地S5 已钻井失利原因进一步分析后发现,泥岩底辟周缘存在油气差异聚集特征,由于泥岩底辟长期活动并刺穿S5 地层,因而油气容易沿泥岩底辟活动通道向上逸散,导致直接接触泥岩底辟的第一排构造-岩性圈闭保存条件变差,难以形成油气藏,在第一排构造-岩性圈闭钻探的多口探井也均未获得成功;而泥岩底辟控制下的第二排断块构 造带(二台阶构造带)构造圈闭则可以依靠上倾断层遮挡成藏,不受泥岩底辟后期活动影响,是S5 油气富集的有利场所。在此基础上,2018—2023 年中国石化在第二排构造带上相继部署2 口探井均获得成功,并达到商业发现级别,进一步证实了泥岩底辟对里奥-德雷盆地中深层油气成藏的控制作用,且泥岩底辟控制下的二台阶构造带是未来有利勘探区带。


    The Rio Del Rey Basin in Cameroon develops mudstone diapirs. Due to the control of mudstone diapirs, oil and gas reservoirs of fault blocks and fault anticlines are developed in the shallow strata of the basin and enter into the middle and late stages of development. The success rate of exploratory wells in middle-deep layer S5 is low, and resource replacement is facing challenges due to poor previous research and insufficient understanding of oil and gas accumulation law. The regional sedimentation, structures,and hydrocarbon accumulation characteristics, especially the balanced profile of regional tectonic evolution, were researched,and it was found that mudstone diapirs in the Rio Del Rey Basin were derived from the thick Akata mudstones of the Paleocene series in the deep part, and their activity time began from the end of Eocene to present. It locally controlled the deposition ranges of the sand body in the front of the S5 delta in the early Miocene. Sand bodies, mudstone diapers, and associated faults were easy to form structural-lithological and fault-block traps, which were formed earlier than the oil-generating period of Akata mudstone.Mudstone diapirs and faults provided channels for oil and gas migration, and the combination of source-reservoirtransportation-accumulation was conducive to hydrocarbon accumulation around mudstone diapirs in S5. However, the reasons for the drilling failure of S5 were analyzed in the basin, and there were differences in oil and gas accumulation characteristics around mudstone diapirs. Oil and gas easily escaped upward along the activity channel of mudstone diapirs due to the long-term activity of mudstone diapirs and its penetration into S5, resulting in poor preservation conditions for the first row of structural-lithological traps directly contacting mudstone diapirs and thus making hydrocarbon accumulation difficult. Previous drilling in multiple exploratory wells on the first row of structural-lithological traps also failed. The second row of structural traps (two-step structural belt) controlled by mudstone diapirs could be trapped by updip faults, which were not affected by the later activity of mudstone diapir, and they became favorable places for oil and gas enrichment in S5. On this basis, Sinopec successively deployed two exploratory wells in the second row of structural belts from 2018 to 2023, and oil discovery reached a commercial level, which further confirmed the control effect of mudstone diapirs on middle-deep hydrocarbon accumulation in the Rio Del Rey Basin, and it proved that the twostep structural belts under the control of mudstone diapirs were favorable exploration belts in the future.


袁井菊,王光付,李发有,彭兆蒙,丁一萍,陈占坤,于欣瑶.里奥-德雷盆地泥岩底辟演化及其对中深层 S5 油气成藏的控制[J].油气地质与采收率,2025,32(1):71~80

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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-13